
Version #1


Persists the requested changes provided by the input. This is similar to a commit point in the process. After this point changes can not be undone in case of an error. Subsequent processors may safely announce that the conversion is done because the changes are already applied.
Before execution of requests in the input it checks that there are no conflicting requests and that the requests can be performed. In case of conflicting requests an error is thrown and the execution will stop.
Any stored file which has no related request is treated as unnecessary. As a result it is automatically deleted regardless of whether it is an origin or a converted file.
It is most commonly used in a top level save flow to persist the results of a category conversion. You may add processors depending on it to trigger a CI build or a notification to the developers. For more see WebhookProcessor:v1



<processor id="<FLOW_SCOPED_ARBITRARY_ID_GOES_HERE>" name="StoreChangedResourceCategoryProcessor" version="1" />

Chainable processors: