
Version #1


Simply executes an HTTP call as configured.
You may use this to trigger a CI build or a notification to the developers
You may also use predefined context values in the request body. To use them just place the key in te body text like so: %%key_goes_here%%
projectTitle - Actual project’s display name
projectName - Actual project’s unique name
teamTitle - Actual team’s display name
teamName - Actual team’s unique name
version - Actual version of the resource category
resourceName - Actual category name
currentUserFullName - Name of current user
currentUserEmail - E-mail of current user

NOTE: When using this processor you may want to use mergeType="none" in the connections to avoid data overrides because the connection’s default merge type is override.


Basic sample:

<processor id="<FLOW_SCOPED_ARBITRARY_ID_GOES_HERE>" name="WebhookProcessor" version="1">
    "url": STRING

Advanced sample:

<processor id="<FLOW_SCOPED_ARBITRARY_ID_GOES_HERE>" name="WebhookProcessor" version="1">
    "body": STRING,
    "connectTimeout": INTEGER,
    "contentType": STRING,
    "headers": MAP<STRING, STRING>,
    "method": STRING,
    "socketTimeout": INTEGER,
    "url": STRING

Chainable processors: