
Version #1


Config of AllLocalizationsToStructuredJsonConverterProcessor


  • defaultLanguage: String [Optional]
    Description: This will override the category config’s default language configuration when present.
  • exportDefault: Boolean [Optional]
    Default: false
    Description: Weather to export default language to a default directory
  • exportDefaultAsIndividualLanguage: Boolean [Optional]
    Default: true
    Description: Weather to export default language like any other language
  • group: String [Optional]
    Default: json
    Description: Determines the output files group.
  • key: KeyTransformationConfigStructure:v1 [Optional]
    Default: Transforms: [normalize, dumpwhitespace, dumpnonwordchars]
    Description: Defines how the output keys are transformed. This is applied after splitting the key into a hierarchy using keyDelimiters. (Only the split parts are transformed.)
  • keyDelimiters: Array<String> [Optional]
    Default: Separates by .
    Description: Defines a list of delimiters to use when splitting keys to hierarchy paths.
  • keyPrefix: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: Defines a prefix that will be prepended to the localization keys before splitting it into the structure defined by keyDelimiters and applying the key transformations.
  • keySuffix: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: Defines a suffix that will be appended to the localization keys before splitting it into the structure defined by keyDelimiters and applying the key transformations.
  • languageKey: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: Inject an additional key that includes the current language’s code. The keyDelimiters will be used to split this if necessary but the key transformations won’t be applied. keyPrefix and keySuffix is ignored for this key.
  • outputPattern: String [Optional]
    Default: respresso/localization/respresso.strings-{{language}}.json
    Description: Defines the output file’s path with a pattern. Use {{language}} to define language specific paths.
  • useDefaultLanguageForMissingTranslations: Boolean [Optional]
    Default: true
    Description: When enabled, missing non-default language translations will be substituted with the default language’s translation
  • useVariableFormatOverrides: Array<String> [Optional]
    Default: [json,web,all]
    Description: Defines which format overrides should be used if they exist for a variable. The first match will be used.

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