
Version #1


Represents an event about changes applied to a single resource.


  • addedResourceFiles: Array< ResourceFileChangedEventStructure:v1 > [Required]
    Description: All added file references of the referenced resource.
  • changeType: Enum<removed | added | none | changed> [Required]
    Description: Defines what kind of change has been applied to the referenced resource.
  • changedResourceFiles: Array< ResourceFileChangedEventStructure:v1 > [Required]
    Description: All file references of the referenced resource where the data has changed.
  • deletedResourceFiles: Array< ResourceFileChangedEventStructure:v1 > [Required]
    Description: All deleted file references of the referenced resource.
  • resourceConvertedFileDeleteCount: Integer [Required]
    Description: How many converted file deletions happened tied to the referenced resource while persisting the conversion result. This includes file deletions and overrides.
  • resourceConvertedFileWriteCount: Integer [Required]
    Description: How many converted file overrides happened tied to the referenced resource while persisting the conversion result. This includes new file creations and overrides.
  • resourceId: String [Required]
    Description: The referenced resource’s id.