
Version #1



No description for this structure


  • arrayPath: String [Optional]
    Default: array
    Description: Defines the path which will be read from the input object. This must point to an (optional) array.
  • keyPath: String [Required]
    Description: Defines the path which will be read from every array element. This value will be the key in the resulting object. The key must point to a primitive type field (Not primitive fields will be skipped.)
  • mappingType: Enum<array | lastvalue | mergevalues> [Optional]
    Default: Array
    Description: Defines how the mapping works. When using Array it will result an object with array fields, when using LastValue it will result an object with the last value in the array according to it’s key, when using MergeValues all occurring values will be merged to the key field in the order of the array.

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