
Version #2


Represents a formatted variable in a localization key.


  • description: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: Optional description about the context and the content of the variable.
  • ieeeFormat: String [Optional]
    Default: %s
    Description: Defines the variable formatting using a IEEE printf based specification. It supports iOS and Android extensions. Output will be converted to platform specific variants or it will fallback to preformatted string variable. Eg.: %tY will become %@ on iOS but will remain the same on Android. Also, %’d will become %,d on Android while remaining the same on iOS. Note: semantic is not verified, only the syntax thus invalid formats may also result in invalid output.
  • key: String [Required]
    Description: Placeholder key of the variable in the localized text. Eg.: ‘variable_name’ should be used as ‘{{variable_name}}’.
  • overrides: Map<String, String> [Optional]
    Default: empty object
    Description: Manually define variable formatting. Keys are format identifiers (eg.: android or i18n) and values are the actual placeholders placed in the text during a conversion that references this format. You can use {{key}} as a placeholder for the variable’s key. Also {{index}} (starts from 0) {{position}} (starts from 1) will be replaced to the IEEE printf format’s argument index if present, otherwise the variable order will be used.