
Version #1


Represents the applied changes in format used by ResourceCategoryConversionExecutorProcessor.


  • changes: Array< AppliedResourceChangeStructure:v1 > [Optional]
    Default: No changes
    Description: All resource changes. This will include all the resources (union of old and new).
  • configChanged: Boolean [Optional]
    Default: false
    Description: Defines if the category has actually changed or not during the patching.
  • configChanges: Array< DataChangeStructure:v1 > [Optional]
    Description: This represents the changes applied to the category config object. Note that currently this is equivalent to the requested changes, so it may include not actually applied changes in case when the data is not changed during the patch.
  • modificationTime: Integer [Required]
    Description: The time in UTC milliseconds when the change was requested.
  • modifier: String [Required]
    Description: The Respresso user’s id who has requested the change.