
Version #1


Represents a single change what can be applied to a data object.
Note: This is only one change. Multiple changes can be applied to an object.


  • path: String [Optional]
    Default: Root of the target object
    Description: References a subtree in the target object using StructurePath syntax. Use empty string to reference the root.
  • type: Enum<merge | override> [Optional]
    Description: Defines how the value should be written to the target object. Use override to replace the whole subtree. Use merge to merge the current value with the new value within the subtree.
  • value: Unknown [Optional]
    Default: null.
    Description: The value to be written to the referenced path. The passed value will be converted to any supported type of the StructureObject (including map, set, list, array, primitives, structure object, other structures). Use null to delete a subtree.