
Version #1


Represents the changes applied to a single resource.


  • dataChanges: Array< DataChangeStructure:v1 > [Optional]
    Default: No changes
    Description: This represents the changes applied to the resource’s data object. Note that currently this is equivalent to the requested changes, so it may include not actually applied changes in case when the data is not changed during the patch.
  • fileChanges: Array< AppliedResourceFileChangeStructure:v1 > [Optional]
    Default: No changes
    Description: All file changes. This will include all the file references (union of old and new).
  • id: String [Required]
    Description: References the resource by it’s id.
  • type: Enum<update | create | update_only_data | update_only_files | none | delete> [Required]
    Description: Defines what changes has actually applied to the resource. Note that is may be none which means that the resource has not been modified.