
Version #1



No description for this structure


  • matchGroup: String [Optional]
    Default: Match any group
    Description: Ignore any path match if file’s group does not contain match by this RegExp
  • matchPath: String [Optional]
    Default: Match any file that is directly located in a directory that’s name ends with ‘.imageset’
    Description: Create Contents.json files for any directory that contains at least one file that’s patch contains a match by the specified RegExp
  • supportedImageExtensions: Array<String> [Optional]
    Default: svg, pdf, png, jpg
    Description: Defines the list of iOS supported image file extensions. Files with different extensions will be ignored.
  • vectorImageExtensions: Array<String> [Optional]
    Default: svg, pdf
    Description: Defines the list of iOS supported vector image file extensions. Vector images will not be added as x1 scale.

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