
Version #1


Represents a change which should be applied to the referenced origin resource file.


  • action: Enum<keep | rewrite> [Required]
    Description: Defines what action should be executed for the referenced file.
  • content: Lazy<Binary> [Optional]
    Description: When rewriting a file, this should represent the new file’s content. When it is null, only the data is overridden.
  • data: Map<String, Unknown> [Optional]
    Description: The (new) data of the file.
  • fileId: String [Required]
    Description: References the file by it’s id of the particular resource to be changed.
  • mimeType: String [Required]
    Description: Defines the mime type of the referenced file
  • resourceId: String [Required]
    Description: References the resource which’s file should be changed.