
Version #1



No description for this structure


  • externalId: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: External id of the key origin. This may be used for matching the previous version of the key.
  • image: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: Image file’s content. For preview this is not required. For real import this is mandatory.
  • mimeType: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: Mime type of the image file content.
  • name: String [Optional]
    Default: Tries to guess a key based on other data
    Description: Defines the key/name for this image.
  • sha256Hex: String [Optional]
    Default: null
    Description: SHA256 lowercase hexadecimal encoded hash of the image file’s content.
  • tags: Array<String> [Optional]
    Default: Empty array
    Description: Optional tags for this key.